
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hello, Hello - March 23, 2015

This week was a good one. Monday we started it off playing basketball. And doing a family night where we talked about forgiveness and watched mormon messages. Not to mention that we helped kill a pig. That was a crazy experience.

Tuesday we had our ward mission leader come with us and we did a lesson in Tahitan where we talked about eternal life and another lesson with a young couple where we talked about the Book of Mormon. Then we encouraged another couple to advance the date for the soon-to-be wife's baptism. She wants to be baptized by her excommunicated soon-to-be husband once he is a member again. We explained that it could take years and years but she was pretty stubborn about it. Hopefully she'll change her mind.

Wednesday we did a Tahitian language study with our district president. Since he used to teach teachers how to teach Tahitian, he is a good resource in Tahitian.We did our English class again. There were more people and we taught them a song. Good stuff.

Thursday we spent the day shoveling and wheelbarrowing gravel from one side of a yard to the other. Funny how manual labor seems to be putting things from one spot to another.

Friday we had our district meeting. It's always a challenge for the elders of Rurutu to hear us as we do skype for some reason. So in order for them to hear us we have to speak really loudly or close to the computer. You would have to be there to be able to enjoy the humor of the situation and our ways of working with it.

Saturday we did a young men's activity for wrestling. The young men wanted to learn and so we taught them. It was fun. They had a lot of fun and we did too.

Sunday was pretty normal. Church, meeting, then we headed out the airport to wait for a giant banner that the missionaries use to teach the plan of salvation and the restoration all in one. That was a fun thing to get. We spent an hour with the sisters learning how to explain things and teach with it. I'll have to send a picture.

And today we hiked to the top of Tubuai. Again. It's still pretty, that hasn't changed.

I'm doing well, thanks for everything,

Love you all,
Elder Squires

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Surprise Transfer, Government Visit, and English

Drumm roll please...............

The surprise transfer has arrived. Elder Hervaud has been sent to Tahiti. And I received a new companion, Elder Hill, from Cedar City. Elder Hervaud had to go back because of an ingrown toenail that needs to be operated on and it can only happen in Tahiti. It's too bad. He is a great missionary. The only missionary that I trained didn't even finish his training. It will be finished by my MTC companion. Ha, I laughed when I heard that. He left Sunday and Elder Hill showed up at the same time. And here I continue to serve. Woot woot!

So in world news, the French ministry sent their over-seas leader to visit us here in the lovely island group of the Australes. She was very polite and her talk was very good. It's too bad her visit was only for a couple of hours. They could have seen so much more but apparently she was busy. When she gave her talk she invited everyone on the island to come to listen and afterwards eat. There were a lot of people. But the last time the government came they cooked 4 cows and everyone on the island came. This time it was a little snack and the turn-out was considerably less. Ha, funny Tahitians.

We started an English class this week. We will teach it at the town hall. Hopefully things will go well with it. We'll see.

And for a confirmation. I will be flying out either the 18 or 19th of May. I got that confirmation this week. But they don't know where to send me. Idaho or Utah? Oh well.

Love you all,

Elder Squires

Elder Hill

Yay, my camera is alive!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rain, Doctor....Let's change...10 Weeks Left!


This week's subject line started looking like every week.....something about rain and going to the doctor. So let's change it. This morning I realized I only have 10 weeks left. I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. Time to work it hard. But for this it really did rain and we did see the doctor, twice.It rained from Tuesday until Saturday. It wasn't all the time, luckily. It would be nice in the morning and then in the afternoon it would rain really hard and then continue softly into the night. But we need the moisture.

My companion and I visited the doctor this week twice. The first time was for my stomach. Last week after my food poisoning my stomach hadn't settled by Wednesday. We went to the doctor and he gave his advice. No milk and no fruits. Oh well. The second time was for my companion for a check-up on his toe. He has had a problem with his toe for two years now. The doctor took one look at him and gave us the diagnosis that he has to go to Tahiti to have his toe operated. It's a really bad ingrown toenail. We have heard he might have to be in Tahiti on Friday. We are waiting to see what will happen. Especially with me, because we don't know what to do with me. I can't go with him because it's too expensive. Oh well. Well see.

As for the work things are going well. This week we taught an elderly lady and she accepted to see us again this week. Yay. We'll see how it goes. The lessons are in Tahitian.

We taught one of our investigators about baptism. She said that she wasn't sure about being baptized. She told about how her family would be very unhappy if she was baptized. My companion asked her, "What about Heavenly Father, did you think about what he would think if you were baptized?3 She said she would think about that. We see her this Friday. We'll see how that goes.

I love you all! I'm almost there! I'll see you all somewhat soon. 10 weeks passes by quickly. I know this Church is true. And I love this work.

Thanks for everything

Elder Squires

Our baptism

Baptisms, and Sickness - Mon, Mar 2, 2015

This week was another good one. We had another high in the lessons and a lot of fun to accompany them. We have our branch mission leader from Mahu who works with us almost every day. He is great.

So, on Monday of last week we hiked and hiked. Like always. This time we hiked to the top of Tubuai because the new sister missionary that arrived here hadn't done it yet. So we did it. No problem right? Leaving at 6:00 from our house to get home at 4 pm. It was long! But it was good. That night we did a split, me with the new district president and my companion with the branch mission leader. The lesson on my end didn't happen. But the meal on my side did. When my companion got back we laughed and we all ate together.

The week continued well. We did our service project on Thursday. I cut myself with a piece of wood but other than that nothing bad happened.

On Friday we went to the doctor to look at my companion's foot. He has had a problem with his foot for a long time now. We went to see what we could do. They gave him the same treatment as always. But they said that next week we have to come back. We'll see.

Saturday was the baptism. It was nice to see the two boys be baptized. The mother was so happy that she cried. I wasn't able to take any pictures until after the baptism. But since there might be a virus on my camera I won't be able to send the photos until I feel sure that the virus is gone.

Then, Saturday it began. I ate too much food (steak, pasta, crepes) and the steak wasn't well cooked either. That night I went to bed feeling okay but the morning when I woke up and ran to the bathroom I knew it was food poisoning. It was a rough day. We didn't go to church. I ate a tiny thing of rice for dinner. And I haven't regained my appetite. Oh well.

Things continue. Thank you all for everything. I know this church is true. I love you all.

Elder Squires