
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New Companion, On foot, and... - August 11, 2014

Bonjour! Ia ora na!

So what has happened this week? Last week when I sent my last email I was with a brother in our ward because my companion had left for his departing interview and testimony meeting before he went home. So I went out with this brother and we looked for people to teach. We only had two lessons fixed and two other people that we needed to see. As we looked for people to teach and things to do we ran into an investigator for whom I needed to fix the lesson for Wednesday. When we talked to her she said we could a lesson right there and then. We said yes. And we had a great first lesson. Yup, we taught Simone the moment you left Patrick, ha. As for our other two lessons they were both cancelled. We ended up at the house waiting for some other elders to come pick me up so the brother could go home. So the elders came and picked me up, we ate together and then when it was getting close to nine they dropped me off. Me, unknowing that the house was empty, let them drop me off and I ended up alone in the house. Ha! It was pretty crazy. I called the elders right back and it took them a good five to ten minutes to get back. And they happened to arrive right when they other elders who live in the house arrived. I was so embarrassed. But it all worked out. And we got to laugh about it after.

Anyway, as for the rest of the week, ha. Wednesday my new companion Elder Webber showed up. Elder Webber is from Florida. He is 19, he has been out for 7 months, but in the feild it's been a little over 4 months. His first area was a small island in the Tuamotu's called Manihi. Apparently it's smaller than one square kilometer, well, where all the people live. The island itself is pretty big. So being here his hard for him because this is his first long taste of Tahiti. Here there are so many more cars, we don't know everyone, and our area is very hilly. Not only that but his bike hasn't arrived yet so we have been going around on foot since Wednesday. But it's okay! We are getting some good work outs!

One last crazy thing that happened this week. On Monday we were in our last family night with Elder Ollerton when we got a phone call. When I saw the name it was one of our assistants, Elder Taylor. He told me that there would be a baptism in our ward this Friday at six, and he told me to ask our bishop if six was good. So I called the bishop, he said four was best. Called back Elder Taylor and said four. He then gave me this investigators number and told me to contact him to fix his first lesson and then his baptismal interview. I did that and fixed his interview for Thursday. So we went on with the went and Thursday comes around and we meet Hector for the first time and he has his interview, we couldn't do a lesson because of timing. He passed the interview and the baptism happened Friday. It was a great baptism. Apparently Hector had already taken the lessons, and was almost baptized several times, but this last week it finally happened. Turns out he is from Bora and lived right next to us. What?! I just really hope things go well. We will have to see him this week and we'll see how that goes.

That's all that I have for now family and friends. I love you all and I hope all is going well. Things are going pretty well for me. Last week was a little rough but this week will hopefully be better.

Have a great week,

Elder Squires

Me all alone . . .

My new companion arriving at the airport.

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