
Monday, August 25, 2014

Hello This Week

Hello family and friends,

How are you all doing? This has been another week in Tahiti. We had a pretty good week. We did 17 lessons this week, we should have had more but cancellations hurt a lot. Tuesday we went out and had our first lesson. This is Teraia. We found out this week that she has talked to her boyfriend about seperating until they can get married so that she can be baptized. That was a shock but a good one. Then on Thursday she told us that she had tried to talk to her boyfriend but her boyfriend didn't want to hear anything about it. She then shocked us in saying that she was going to fast for her boyfriend after we had taught about the fast. We hadn't planned it that way but it worked out really well. Heavenly Father has a way of planning things out well. After Teraia's lesson on Tuesday we headed out to visit someone who wasn't there, as we continued to walk down the road we ran into an investigator from Bora. It was so nice to see him and his family. They had apparently been here in my area for the last month but last week was the first time I had seen them. And it turns out that they were planning to leave Thursday. So the fact that we ran into each other was another good timing moment for the Lord.

On Wednesday I had my training for the new district leaders. It went well. We talked about a lot of good things. And speaking of my district, the sisters in my district, for those who don't know, are two sisters on an island that is about 45 minutes to an hour away on plane. So we don't see each other in person, only by skype. But the news with them is that I got a call from one of the assistants on Saturday asking if I had another number to contact them. I do have the number for the office at their church, and since they live at the church I thought it could work. But after calling their cell and the office number and having no response I started to get worried. And ever since then I haven't been able to get a hold of them. No one has. I pray that things are going well with them.

The week went on and continued on. It was good overall. Since we have been on foot for the last almost three weeks we have become pro's for the shortcuts in our area. Because here in Tahiti their is the main road that circles the whole island and then the neighborhoods are usually perpendicular going up the mountains or towards the ocean from that main road. Our area is no exception. And since our area is only on the mountain side of the road we would have to hike into a neighborhood, do a lesson, hike down to the main road, go to the next neighborhood and then hike back up and so on and so forth. Luckily I had learned some shortcuts with my first companion and we have since learned and used others since being here. It makes moving from neighborhood to neighborhood that much better.

So yeah, that's what has happened out here. But I do have some last stories to share. One is with a new investigator whose name is Tamatea. We met him as he was rolling up weed to go out and sell. We had a lesson with him Thursday and it was incredible. He just asked us questions and we talked. He was so interested and so happy to hear about what he had to teach. It was a wonderful experience. Maybe I've been so focused on other things but it feels like a long time since I've seen an investigator like that. It was so great. It added more fuel to my love for this gospel. Because I know these things are true. I know that this is the true church and that only through it, and through the restored principles and priesthood power can we find happiness in this life and in the life to come.  I can't tell you how many times we have talked about eternal marriage lately and the eternal family. How big of a blessing is that. That we can be with our families forever. We can be with our spouses and kids for eternity. Family and friends I love you. I know that these things are true. I hope you all take the time to know it as well. Keep going out there.

God is with you,

Elder Squires

Our area is a jungle in the city

Another sunset behind Moorea

The Sunday School lesson I got to teach.

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