
Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas, Rain, and the Book of Mormon

Hello family and friends,

It's time for the Christmas report! My Christmas may not have been the "white Christmas" that I have learned to love but it was still good. Instead of snow and being with the family we had Skype and rain. The morning we woke up at 5:30 to open the presents that our district president's wife had bought for us. After that we quickly went back to bed. Then for our Christmas breakfast we had Tahitian hot chocolate and coconut bread. It was alright. Not the best Christmas breakfast but who can complain?

Once breakfast was finished we biked our way over to the district president's house. Where all four of us missionaries here on Tubuai did our skype along with our district president and his wife. They have a son on his mission. He is our zone leader. Ha. Small world. I was the last one to do skype and once it was finished we headed out under this heavy rain. It's only about ten minutes or so on bike to the church but we got soaked! The members were so funny. "Elders, where are your jackets? It's raining!"

The baptism for the sister missionaries went really well. After the baptism it was the same, home under the rain. Home meaning at the president's house. We went back and celebrated with the family of the woman who had just been baptized. It was great. We ended up having a pretty good Christmas.

However, our gifts from our parents didn't arrive on the boat until the following day. So Friday we opened our gifts from our parents. It was so great! Thank you Dad and Mom for sending gifts. They were all much appreciated. I love you guys!!

I finished reading the Book of Mormon in French the other day. It only took me a year and a few months. I started in Moroni 10 and read backwards. Reading chapter 10 and then going to 9 then 8 then 7 etc. I finally finished. And then I restarted it in Tahitian. It's going much better than previous attempts. I'm not marking every word anymore because I don't know it. Yay! I love that book. I know that it is the word of God. And anyone can know that that is true.

Thank you all family and friends,

Have a great week,

Elder Squires

Christmas Eve with President Tumarae
We went hiking to the highest point on this island this morning, it's called Taitaa. (tay-tah-ah)

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