Where do I start? This week has been the craziest week of my mission, at least, that I can think of. We had the assistants show up to help out the two areas here on Bora. They showed up Monday and they worked us well.
Monday night we had a family night and I talked to an investigator that has been all over the world, had all sorts of money, and owned all sorts of businesses and he said that even with all those things, he was not happy. He always had that empty feeling in him. I know this gospel is the only way to fill that hole.
Tuesday we taught Puarai about prayer. He shared an experience about when his wife was sick and he prayed for hours and hours that she would be healed, and she was healed. It sounds so short and simple but it was a powerful experience. The Spirit was strong in that lesson.
Wednesday we did a split and it was me and Elder Tau, my trainer. We visited Myrta who got baptized in February. She told us a secret that her husband doesn't know yet - that she is a member - and her son, Raihau, that we baptized last week, the father doesn't know about that either. Anyway, during our lesson with Myrta, her husband came and talked with us and we were able to teach him a little for the first time ever. Myrta was so touched to have her husband come and listen to us.
Thursday was good, our mission president arrived and me and Elder Bagley did the distance tour of the island.
Friday is where things heat up. We had our district meeting with our mission and stake president. Then I had my last interview with my mission president because he will finish soon and he will not come back to Bora. We found out Elder Bagley and Elder Poheroa will be transferred. We had our lessons and they went well. Afterwards Elder Bagley and I did the tour of the island inviting people for an activity night in a sports center in an area called Pago. The activity night was awesome. Dances from the different Polynesian islands.
Saturday I got to work with my mission president. It was stressful but fun. Then that night we had a big baptism of seven people, two from my ward, and it was in the ocean. It was really cool!
Sunday the ward was supposed to be split but it didn't happen. I had forgotten that is was Easter. But it was a good day anyway.
Today was where the heat blew up. We asked our mission president if we could go to one of the outer islands to eat with the stake choir that had come this weekend. He said yes. Then we asked if we could go ramming / canoeing / kayaking - I don't know the word in English - to this island. He said yes. So today we went to the cannons in the morning then we went out to the outer island in the canoes. I fell in the water when my thing turned over. And just to have fun and play on the beach on an island with great members and friends was a powerful experience.
I love this church. I love life. Things are hard. But we need to do the difficult so that the Lord will bless us. Strength comes to those who stand.
I love you all. I know this church is true.
Elder Squires
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
3rd Ward, My "Dad", and Baptism - April 14, 2014
This week was a good week. We had some crazy things happen. Monday after our tour of the island we did a family night. The lesson went well and we had fun. The next day we found out that the one of the family members had lost their unborn child. That was a shock. After we finished our lessons on Tuesday we went to the family's house Tuesday night to support them. It's always sad to find out that someone has passed away. I'm glad to be alive.
Wednesday we did a split. I went with Elder Bagley to do a baptismal interview. We went from our house to the other side of the island in 30 minutes. We went at an average speed of 30 kmh on bikes! It was so crazy.
Thursday we found out that the baptism had to be moved to Friday. So Friday morning my companion and I cleaned out the font and filled it up. The baptism happened and I was blessed to baptize Raihau. Who is the adopted son of Myrta who got baptized not too long ago. I was so happy to know that he can now enter in to the kingdom of God. Today my trainer came to help us for the week. And this week coming up our ward is supposed to get split. We are not one hundred percent sure if it will be split because they have not yet found a spot for the new church. But now, they just need to find a place to meet in order to have the 3rd ward. Anyway, we call our trainers our mothers or fathers in this mission. And because my "dad" is an AP, he travels everywhere.
Family I love you, thanks for being there for me, even if I don't hear from you, I know you are out there and I love you all.
Elder Squires
p.s. I can't send photos because it has been forbidden on our computers at the church to put things in the USB. Oh well. A little patience and photos will come.
Wednesday we did a split. I went with Elder Bagley to do a baptismal interview. We went from our house to the other side of the island in 30 minutes. We went at an average speed of 30 kmh on bikes! It was so crazy.
Thursday we found out that the baptism had to be moved to Friday. So Friday morning my companion and I cleaned out the font and filled it up. The baptism happened and I was blessed to baptize Raihau. Who is the adopted son of Myrta who got baptized not too long ago. I was so happy to know that he can now enter in to the kingdom of God. Today my trainer came to help us for the week. And this week coming up our ward is supposed to get split. We are not one hundred percent sure if it will be split because they have not yet found a spot for the new church. But now, they just need to find a place to meet in order to have the 3rd ward. Anyway, we call our trainers our mothers or fathers in this mission. And because my "dad" is an AP, he travels everywhere.
Family I love you, thanks for being there for me, even if I don't hear from you, I know you are out there and I love you all.
Elder Squires
p.s. I can't send photos because it has been forbidden on our computers at the church to put things in the USB. Oh well. A little patience and photos will come.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Conference - April 7, 2014
This week went well. Tuesday we found out that my companion was going to Tahiti for a meeting. We had a lesson in Tahitian and just before the lesson Lara told me that I should just teach in French because my Tahitian isn't so hot. So we went into the lesson and they told a story about how they had had a little smack on the hands from the Lord after they had complained about their life. And then they just listened to our lesson. The lesson was Joseph Smith and the Spirit was so strong. It was like I had a blanket on, it was thick.
Wednesday we did a split. The Young adult with whom I went out, his tire exploded after our second lesson. No! Ha. We fixed it and ended up at Rosine's house. We taught the kids and things went okay. Then that night my companion left for Tahiti.
Thursday I was with the Elders of Anau. They had two youngs deacons with them, and we had Lara with us as well. So in every lesson we were six in the house. Oops, actually it was this day the lesson in Tahitian. Sorry about that.
Friday we had a bunch of lessons planned and needed to do a split but no one could do a split. We did our best to do all our lessons in the time that we could. It worked out, and that was a blessing.
Saturday we woke up at 5:50 for conference that starts at 6. NO!! We all got up and ready as fast as possible. We arrived 30 minutes late, which isn't bad considering 4 people getting ready with one bathroom. Conference was great. It was only in French but I enjoyed it. I liked the talk about being loving others and the Lord. And also about how to be a good father, where he talked about fervent prayers. I really enjoyed that.
Sunday we had conference and some lessons and a fire side. The lessons were rushed again because we were late and the fire side lasted until 9 at night!
Today we did the tour of the island with the Young adults. IT was cool until it started raining. And then it got cold. Cold here isn't really all that cold, but it was colder than I am used to.
I love you all, I know this Church is true. That Joseph Smith is a true prophet. Keep going and be obediant to the Lord.
Elder Squires
Wednesday we did a split. The Young adult with whom I went out, his tire exploded after our second lesson. No! Ha. We fixed it and ended up at Rosine's house. We taught the kids and things went okay. Then that night my companion left for Tahiti.
Thursday I was with the Elders of Anau. They had two youngs deacons with them, and we had Lara with us as well. So in every lesson we were six in the house. Oops, actually it was this day the lesson in Tahitian. Sorry about that.
Friday we had a bunch of lessons planned and needed to do a split but no one could do a split. We did our best to do all our lessons in the time that we could. It worked out, and that was a blessing.
Saturday we woke up at 5:50 for conference that starts at 6. NO!! We all got up and ready as fast as possible. We arrived 30 minutes late, which isn't bad considering 4 people getting ready with one bathroom. Conference was great. It was only in French but I enjoyed it. I liked the talk about being loving others and the Lord. And also about how to be a good father, where he talked about fervent prayers. I really enjoyed that.
Sunday we had conference and some lessons and a fire side. The lessons were rushed again because we were late and the fire side lasted until 9 at night!
Today we did the tour of the island with the Young adults. IT was cool until it started raining. And then it got cold. Cold here isn't really all that cold, but it was colder than I am used to.
I love you all, I know this Church is true. That Joseph Smith is a true prophet. Keep going and be obediant to the Lord.
Elder Squires
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Ripped Pants, Broken Seat, and Rain - March 31, 2014
This week had it's ups and downs.
Monday was cool, and calm. We didn't have a lot to do. It was a blessing when someone called and asked us if we wanted to do a family night with them. Yeah! The family that invited us had a family friend that had already followed the lessons and wanted to continue following them. The lesson was on prayer. And the Spirit was strong during that lesson.
Tuesday we saw Rachelle. We talked with her about her life and what is going on. She wants to get away from the lessons for a little while because Rosine, her mom, will be leaving for a while and it will be Rachelle in charge of all of the children. But she continues to accept us. We still hope her baptism will happen this year.
Wednesday we did a split with the young adults in our ward. I went to the other side of the island with a young named Teiho and Lara the ward missionary. When we started to go the rain started so hard. We didn't get half way to Hitia before we were soaked. It got to the point where the rain would touch me but I was sure I couldn't get anymore wet. We did the lesson with Naomi and Marco was there!! The lesson went well but the wedding and baptism is still unsure.
Thursday we didn't have a lot to do and so we went out looking for people to teach and while looking my companion did a wheelie and ripped his pants. Then we continued and stopped for a minute. While sitting there on our bikes, out of no where, my companion's seat breaks and he crashes to the ground. It was pretty mega. We came home with not a very big smile.
Friday I went in the sector of Anau. Elder Purau and I gave a blessing to someone who clamed to be possessed. It was scary when we heard that but while we were going there I felt strongly that things would be okay. She wasn't possessed but we gave her a blessing anyway and she was better after.
Saturday we had the baptism of Marii. One of the children of Rosine. It went well. The confirmation Sunday went well as well. And the good news is that we have most of our church back! Just a few rooms are still blocked off.
I know this church is true, God be with you 'til we meet again,
I love you all,
Elder Squires
10 Months - March 24, 2014
Woah, that passed fast. Another month that I have served. It passes so quickly. I have been in the isles of the sea for over 8 months now, and I STILL get sunburned when I go out too long in the sun. But they say that the sun is stronger here in Bora, maybe that has something to do with it.
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Sunburned! |
This week went well.
On Tuesday things went well, there wasn't a lot of big things. We had most of our lessons. There was a lesson with a new investigator named Puarai. He has already taken the lessons but he was never baptized. When we went into his house there were 3 or so bees that came in after we got there. And they joked that it was because of my blonde hair. Ha, that's what the sun does.
Wednesday we had a lot of lessons. We did a split. I did lessons with the kids of Rosine and my companion did a lesson with Naomi, still haven't seen Marco, and he did other lessons as well. They went....well. The children of Rosine are actually having a really hard time. One of them, named Rachelle told us that she wanted to take a break from the lessons and that she still wants to be baptized next year. No!! Then my companion had to take his boat for the plane to go to Tahiti. The problem was that I dropped him off at the dock and then I had to go all alone from the dock to our bishop's house. It was scary to not have someone next to me, and when I got to our bishops house the looks on their faces were great. Ha.
I don't have a lot of time, but I love you all family and friends. I thank you all for helping me every step of the way to get me where I am today. It's been a road that I have enjoyed. Thanks.
Elder Squires
Happy St, Patrick's Day - March 17, 2014
I do believe that today is St. Patricks day. If it's not, don't mind the subject of this weeks letter.
This week went well. It was rainy again. Monday was nice and sunny and that lasted until Thursday night. It has been cloudy and rainy ever since. Except today has been a little bit better. This week was full of adventures.Tuesday we left the house a little before 10 to go get our ward missionary. Her name is Lara. She is a returned missionary who works with us almost everyday. She knows the ward very well. Tuesday she helped us find a new investigator who is her grandpa. He speaks only in Tahitian. I understand most of it but there are still a lot of words I don't understand. Then we had a lesson with another friend of Lara. Her name is Melody. She is 17 or 18 and lives on one of the outer islands that surrounds Bora. Tuesday was a successful day.Wednesday we had 10 lessons planned and had to do a split in order to do all the lessons. But the split didn't work out. We ended up doing 7 lessons any way, so all in all it was good. We had a lesson with Naomi. This lesson was rough. She told us that her mother in law would kick them out of the house that Naomi built on the property of the Mother in law if they got baptized. NO!! It was really hard to hear that. But we talked with her and did what we could.Thursday was good. We worked all day and Lara helped us find another new investigator. We had a lesson with the little sister of Naomi, her name is Rachelle or Rachel in English. She is supposed to be baptized the 31 of May but in this lesson she told us she wanted to push it back until next year. NO!! We talked and we will do what we can to keep her baptism. She has problems with the word of wisdom and she doesn't believe that she can get over them. But we know that with the Savior she can do it.Friday I gave the lesson for our district meeting. We talked about Christlike attributes being related to the amour of God in Ephesians 6. It was good until the internet wouldn't work anymore. We have to use skype to contact the sisters on the other island in our district. After we fixed the internet we finished quickly and headed out for our lessons. We had a lesson with Naomi that lasted a really long time just talking about everything.Saturday and Sunday were good. There was a lot of rain and wind that made things difficult. But we did what we could.It has been decided that the church is good enough to enter. Normally this week we will open it. There is still dirt but they will block that off.I know this church is true. Christ can heal us. I love you!Love,Elder Squires
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From our house, normally there is the mountain in the back, that is the thick rain that is blocking the view. |
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A great sunset, and to make it better, there is a mountain! |
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